
Pay More Attention to Your Hearing Health

              Hearing perception Hearing depends on the sound waves that travel slower than the light waves. Sound waves are created due to vibrating molecules generated due to changes  in pressure. The sound waves have an influence on three features of sound pitch, timbre and loudness. Loudness is dependable on amplitude of sound waves. The more the amplitude is the more will be the sound perceived. Amplitude can be measured in terms of decibels and the loudness is doubled with an increase of 10 decibels each time. What does hearing perception mean? Hearing perception is present in almost all human being. When a sound is produced a person can perceive the loudness, the pitch, the distance, the direction and recognize whose voice it is. Perception means understanding what is there in the surrounding. Hearing perception is a very important for a musician but it tends to get damaged due to the exposure to loud music all the time. It is important to be able to hear correctl

Health Benefits Of Wearing Earplugs

Health Benefits Of Wearing Earplugs The humble earplug isn't glamorous or exciting. Well, at least for most people. However, in reality, earplugs have a huge range of uses. Almost anyone who works or lives in noisy environments should have a pair close to hand to protect their ears, while swimmers, sailors and travelers can also benefit. Sometimes you can achieve big improvements in your quality of life and health through tiny interventions, and wearing earplugs could be one of them. Here are just some of the ways that earplugs are being used right now to improve peoples'lives. Choose Earplugs to Use Tools and Machinery Safely Earplugs are essential for anyone who regularly uses power tools or heavy equipment. It's not necessarily the sheer volume of noise generated by industrial tools that makes earplugs so vital, it’s also the incessant nature of the noise. Prolonged exposure to noise can cause permanent loss of hearing and conditions like tinnitus, so

Are you still upset for can not find the right earplugs?

Are you still upset for can not find the right earplugs It Filter the Noise, Not Experience: These protect your hearing and offer a subtle but very important difference to what you hear. The ear plugs offer you a low-cost but high-quality means of hearing protection.It is comfortable, light weight, and easy to wear, with the special acoustic filters, it can reduce sound levels evenly, preserving clarity and richness of any event. It means that you can enjoy an experience while protecting the hearing. Benefits: Reduce sound levels evenly so that music and speech are clear and natural, not muffled as with other earplugs Reduce risk of hearing damage for many noisy occupations and noisy venues, such as airshows, parades, athletic events and motor sports Enhance the music experience for audiences while protecting hearing Let musicians hear their own instrument and their blend with others Features: 1.Unsurpassed clarity, won't muffle music or voices as foam plug

Dial Down the Volume

Dial Down the Volume The British folk-rock band is mild compared to the acts scheduled to play popular summer music festivals like Pitchfork and Lollapalooza. But any prolonged exposure to music at high volume puts listeners' hearing at risk. people attending summer music festivals, or any rock or pop concert, need to be as concerned about hearing damage. Noise damage can be compared to sun damage, Like the sun's rays, exposure to loud sound can have a dangerous, irreversible effect over time. If you get a sunburn, your body will eventually heal, but your skin has been damaged. Therefore, you’re more susceptible to skin cancer down the road, The same concept applies to hearing: If you've been exposed to dangerous levels of noise and are continually exposed, you're more likely to  develop hearing loss. Know your decibels Approximately 28 million Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have some measure of hearing loss from overexposure to loud nois

Keep Your Ears Healthy – Clean Your Earplugs and Earbuds

Keep Your Ears Healthy – Clean Your Earplugs and Earbuds Have you ever taken out your headphones and they are completely covered in earwax? Have you put them back in your ear a day later, after they were on the floor of your bedroom, with that same dried earwax sitting on it? We all do it. We use our headphones everyday without giving a second thought to where they have been or what bacteria might be on them. The same is true for earplugs made from silicone and polymer, that we often use for flying, swimming, or even sleeping. Everyone does it—so what's the problem with this? clean your earbuds and earplugs Just like when you lick your fingers, all of the germs on your hands go into your mouth and into your body. The same is true for earbuds. The moment you insert them into your ear (learn here how to do it properly) you are introducing into your body all the germs that your earbuds have touched. This can cause serious infections that could be damaging to the ear if l

Looking for Best Earplugs for Concerts? Musicians, read this!

Live music concerts are great. We all know that. What’s not that great, however, is the pain in the ears most of us experience once we leave the gig – do you remember the familiar sound of ‘ringing’ in your ears? Yes, it tends to ring for a few hours and then usually everything gets back to normal. But did you know that continuous exposure to noise over 85 dB (and by continuous we mean  eight hours  or so) can result in the permanent hearing loss? Eight hours seems a lot, but if you’ve been listening to Spotify on your way to concert, chances are that you’re pretty close to that limit. The normal, every day conversation is around 65dB, which is absolutely safe for your hears. However, a loud hip-hop or rock concert can expose your ears to up to 120 dB which can be  devastating  to your ears. A three minute blast like this can result in some pretty serious consequences. How to avoid this and protect your hearing while you enjoy the live band playing your favourite songs? Use ea

PAUroom High Fidelity Earplugs

PUAroom High Fidelity Earplugs We all know how important it is to protect our hearing in loud environments. Especially so when you have Tinnitus or any other kind of disorder that affects your hearing, because you are starting out at a disadvantage. Sustained exposure to loud noises, like at a concert, sporting event, or loud movie, causes hearing loss and will make our Tinnitus so much worse. Earplugs are the answer, but regular earplugs don't work very well when you actually want to hear what's going on around you. They muffle and distort the quality of the sound. If you're at a concert, the movies, or in a loud restaurant, traditional earplugs are not the way to go. Instead you want to use a set of high fidelity musician's earplugs . Rather than attempting to block out the sound, or absorb it, high fidelity earplugs filter the sound and lower the volume without affecting the quality. I'm happy to announce that I am giving away 8 free pairs o